Trestolone Acetate MENT – An Inside Look!

Trestalone acetate side effects, benefits, review, cycle,

Trestolone Acetate MENT – An Inside Look at MENT (7alpha-methyl-19-nortestostrone) There’s a new (old) anabolic steroid Trestolone Acetate MENT that’s been making its rounds in the bodybuilding scene recently. People are reporting gains of up to 20lbs in as little as 6 weeks. Bodybuilders in their crude chemistry language calling it a mix of “tren […]

MENT Trestolone Acetate: About, Benefits, Dosage, Cycle, Side Effects!

How long does Trestolone acetate take to work?, MENT Cycle, MENT Dosage, MENT Benefits, MENT side effects

MENT Trestolone Acetate will deliver a rock hard physique with significant gains in muscle at the same time. MENT is one of the best supplements for bulking and cutting our Ment is like a super potent trenbolone acetate crossed with superdrol. MENT is extremely potent and hard to find, scoring 2300/650 on the anabolic androgenic […]

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