How to Inject Steroids

You’ve seen it in movies and on TV shows a million times; the “bad guy” taking steroids is portrayed as a lowlife degenerate, and when he injects his steroids he’ll jam the needle right into his butt cheek without a care in the world. If you know anything about anabolic steroids, then you know how […]

Do most bodybuilders take steroids? A Few Facts You Should Know About This

99% of professional bodybuilders use some form of steroid, like a large number of professional athletes of any sport. Most people look at the massive monsters of today and think that bodybuilders are crazy gym addicts who abuse steroids, because it is in the sport / discipline of bodybuilding that it is obvious that they […]

Arnold Schwarzenegger loses Arnold Classic sponsorship for comments about face mask importance

Following Arnold Schwarzenegger’s comments about the importance of wearing face masks earlier this month, corporate sponsor REDCON1 pulled out from this year’s Arnold Classic.   The actor and former governor of California lost the long-time sponsor for the annual bodybuilding competition due to controversial comments he made during an interview with retired U.S. Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and CNN reporter Bianna Golodryga. […]

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