Turinabol (TBOL) – The Ultimate Guide, Results, Dosage, Side Effects

Turinabol (TBOL) It seems that you are interested in starting a turinabol (tbol) cycle. Well, usually, most of us kick start a steroid cycle with dianabol, while some prefer anadrol. You will hardly come across someone who has started the first steroid cycle with turinabol (tbol) or consumes it as often as the other two. […]

Equipoise Cycle (Boldenone): Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects! (Bulking & Cutting)

Equipoise Cycle, Equipoise Cycle quide,buy testosterone online, buy testosterone usa

Equipoise Cycle Quide: What Is Equipoise (Boldenone)? Equipoise is also known as Boldenone Undecylenate and, although this may sound harsh, it’s actually a steroid used by veterinarians to treat horses and some cattle. In bodybuilding circles, however, it is used as a ‘poor man’s Deca Durabolin’ though it has little in common with that steroid. […]

Arnold Classic 2021 Results: Winner, Highlights, Prize Money, Twitter Reaction

Arnold Classic 2021, Bodybuilding competion

The Arnold Classic 2021 returned Saturday night after a six-month delay. The annual bodybuilding competition was postponed from its traditional March date this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  The Arnold Classic 2021 event had a different feel for several reasons. The festival, which usually takes place over the course of an entire weekend, was […]

US govt sites showing porn, viagra ads share a common software vendor

Multiple U.S. government sites using .gov and .mil domains have been seen hosting porn and spam content, such as Viagra ads, in the last year. A security researcher noticed all of these sites share a common software vendor. United States of Porn Security researcher Zach Edwards has traced the issue down to these .gov and .mil domains using a […]

How to use steroids? Tips for beginners

What are the top steroids for steroid cycles? If this is your first time encountering steroids, it is best to start with oral steroids such as: Dianabol, Anavar or Anadrol. A good choice to start your first steroid infusion is Dianabol. You can find more information about the substance Dianabol here. No painful injections, such […]

What are 3 types of steroids?

Steroids are 3 types of hormones: Anabolic androgenic steroids – such as testosterone that builds muscle andmasculinize (hair, deep voice, sex). Glucocorticosteroids – such as cortisone or prednisone that are anti-inflammatory orimmunosuppressants used in edema, rash, asthma, or bronchitis. Mineralocorticosteroids – such as vasopressin that is producedadrenal glands for salt and water regulation. How do […]

Moderna Submits to FDA Initial Data for COVID-19 Booster Shot, Showing Efficacy Against All COVID-19 Variants

Following a phase 2 study, Moderna submitted initial data to the FDA for the approval of its COVID-19 booster shot that would be administered 6 months after an individual’s second dose. Moderna submitted initial data to the FDA based on the results of a phase 2 trial that demonstrated the efficacy of a booster shot […]

Arnold Schwarzenegger loses Arnold Classic sponsorship for comments about face mask importance

Following Arnold Schwarzenegger’s comments about the importance of wearing face masks earlier this month, corporate sponsor REDCON1 pulled out from this year’s Arnold Classic.   The actor and former governor of California lost the long-time sponsor for the annual bodybuilding competition due to controversial comments he made during an interview with retired U.S. Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and CNN reporter Bianna Golodryga. […]

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