Equipoise Cycle (Boldenone): Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects! (Bulking & Cutting)

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Equipoise Cycle Quide:

What Is Equipoise (Boldenone)?

Equipoise is also known as Boldenone Undecylenate and, although this may sound harsh, it’s actually a steroid used by veterinarians to treat horses and some cattle.

In bodybuilding circles, however, it is used as a ‘poor man’s Deca Durabolin’ though it has little in common with that steroid.

This steroid is suspended in oil, so it is naturally oil-based.

Though it provides similar benefits to Deca, Equipoise is actually almost identical to Anabol and Dianabol.

It is identical in fact, other than one small change.

EQ does not have the same 17AA group as D-bol, and it instead has a very long-chained ester attached to it. This makes it highly oil soluble.

This steroid is anabolic and androgenic and is renowned for its ability to boost muscle mass, muscle strength, athletic performance, and much more besides such as Turinabol.

It is derived from testosterone, like virtually all other steroids in existence such as Halotestincypionate, sustanon and enanthate.

Though it is often stacked with testosterone, it’s actually a great alternative to testosterone as it has a double bond which is attached to both carbon 1 and carbon 2.

This double bond makes it one of the least androgenic steroids currently on the market.

The good news here is that that means that Estrogenic side effects and Estrogenic activity is also greatly reduced.

It provides a slow and gradual release which means that aromatization is also suppressed.

Aromatization is a process where testosterone is converted into Estrogen within the body.

This can cause all kinds of different side effects for bodybuilders.

Equipoise Full Cycle Quide!

What Is A Testosterone Equipoise Cycle?

If you are looking to transform your physique, Equipoise is a very popular steroid that is reported utilized by a number of pro bodybuilders around the globe.

As mentioned, it is often stacked with testosterone to get maximal results, with testosterone cypionate generally being favored.

If you are thinking of running a testosterone Equipoise cycle, here’s an idea to get you going. 

Buy your complete Equipoise Bulking Cycle HERE!

Bulking cycle

Equipoise Bulking Intermediate Steroid Cycle

Buy your complete Equipoise Cutting Advanced Cycle HERE!

Cutting cycle (Hardcore):

Equipoise Cutting Hardcore Steroid Cycle

Buy your complete Equipoise Cutting Advanced Cycle HERE!

Cutting cycle (Advanced):

Equipoise Cutting Advanced Steroid Cycle

Buy your complete Equipoise Cutting Beginner Cycle HERE!

Cutting Cycle (Beginner):

Equipoise Cutting Beginner Steroid Cycle

Equipoise Cycle Results:

So, what kind of results can users expect to enjoy when they use this potent little steroid.

First and foremost, as we’re focussing on AAS and bodybuilding.

You will be pleased to hear that equipoise does not disappoint as far as muscle growth is concerned.

Users can potentially gain as much as 30 pounds of muscle with a 12-week cycle of this drug.

Assuming of course, that they train hard and that they eat the right foods and live a healthy lifestyle.

For best results, it does stack very well with other steroids. Not only will you see muscle growth results.

But you’ll also see very noticeable fat loss reductions which are why the drug is perfect for cutting cycles.

Finally, as your metabolism will increase.

You will also have more energy.

So you’ll be able to put more time and effort into your training sessions.

It might not sound like much.

But being able to squeeze out an extra rep or two could be the difference between a beast-mode physique or a mediocre physique.

Equipoise Cycle Effects:

Some of the main effects and benefits associated with using Equipoise include the following:

1. Muscle Growth

First and foremost, when it comes to using steroids, normally you can expect some pretty awesome muscle-building benefits and effects.

Well, when it comes to Equipoise, this is certainly no exception.

Those that use this steroid can potentially add as much as 30 pounds of muscle to their frames with one cycle.

When stacked with other steroids and hormones, results will become noticeable within a matter of days.

Obviously, the steroid doesn’t work miracles, so if you are looking to build muscle and bulk up, you will need to be beasting yourself in the gym with your training, and of course, eating right.

2. Health Benefits

Interestingly enough, Equipoise can also provide benefits to the human body that are not related to aesthetics.

Studies have found that this steroid can actually be used to help treat muscle wasting diseases, as well as conditions affecting the bones like osteoporosis.

3. Improved Athletic Performance

Not only does Equipoise help to promote the growth and repair of muscle tissue, but it has also been found to significantly increase an individual’s energy levels and overall levels of athletic performance.

This steroid helps to boost metabolism, which not only burns calories, but it also helps to increase energy levels.

The more energy we have, the harder we can exercise before we begin to tire out and become fatigued.

It also helps to promote muscle strength and contractions, which in turn help the muscles to generate more power and to work more efficiently.

If you combine all of these benefits together, therefore, you will find that using Equipoise will actually help you to perform at a much higher level athletically, as your aerobic fitness will increase, your endurance will, and your overall strength and power outputs will as well.

4. Fat Loss

Another reason why bodybuilders tend to favor this steroid is that of the fact that it has been found to promote fat loss.

For a bodybuilder, being able to burn fat and lose fat is very important for a whole variety of different reasons.

The main reason why bodybuilders may be looking to burn fat and lose weight, however, is because they often diet down when they are cutting and prepping for a contest.

The idea behind a contest prep is that you strip away as much body fat as possible while preserving as much lean muscle as possible.

You basically want to look lean, ripped, and vascular when you step on stage, and Equipoise is able to help you achieve this exact look.

5. Great For Bulking

Okay, this steroid is very useful for cutting as it helps to burn fat, but there are many bodybuilders that prefer to utilize this steroid for bulking cycles instead.

As we looked at previously, this steroid can be stacked with other compounds and can be used for bulking or cutting cycles.

In terms of bulking, it’s great because it promotes increases in muscle size, while also boosting energy levels and strength.

This enables you to train heavy during the off-season, and the heavier you can train the more muscle mass you will likely be able to build.

Equipoise Cycle Side Effects:

We’ve looked at the good, now we’ll look at the bad, and the downright ugly.

Yep, it’s time for us to now go over a few common Equipoise side effects that you will need to be aware of before you consider using this anabolic steroid.

Side effects associated with this drug include:

1. Mildly Estrogenic

Okay, the good news is that this steroid isn’t nearly as Estrogenic as some of the other steroids often used by bodybuilders.

The bad news, however, is that it is still mildly Estrogenic.

After injection, it generally doesn’t aromatize very heavily, but there are still some Estrogenic side effects to be wary of.

For example, it can lead to water retention, elevated blood pressure and tender nipples in men.

Very rarely, Gyno or Gynecomastia could also be an issue.

2. Oily Skin

Many users of this steroid have reported oily skin and even mild acne caused by the pores becoming blocked.

3. Organ Damage

When you use any steroids, whether oil-based, water-based, oral steroids or injectable steroids, there is always the risk of your major organs suffering damage as a result of the steroids being used.

Your kidneys and the liver are at risk for starters, as they help to filter impurities out of the bloodstream, or in this case, the steroid itself.

The heart is also at risk, especially if blood pressure becomes elevated.

It may even cause fluctuations in LDL cholesterol, which can cause blocked arteries, so that is certainly worth considering before using the steroids, especially if you already have cardiovascular issues.

Women and EQ

When it comes to women using EQ, this is a steroid that many female users can enjoy with less risk of serious side effects compared with a lot of other steroids, but the important factor is the dosage and women need to maintain a lower dose to minimize the severity of side effects.

Keeping in mind the slow acting nature of EQ, once symptoms start showing they can take some time to disappear even if the steroid is stopped and this makes it crucial to start with a very low dose for first time female users.

Equipoise Dosage:

We’ve already looked at the dosages when it comes to running an Equipoise and testosterone cycle, but to refresh your memory, and keep things nice and simple, let’s look at the minimum and max dosages associated with this particular drug.

Dosages start at 200mg, with max dosages going up to 500mg.

This, of course, depends on which cycle you are running, and what you are stacking it with, but it does give you an idea.

PCT Needed!

Because EQ will bring about suppression of natural testosterone production, post cycle therapy is needed after your cycle to stimulate the normal functioning of testosterone again.

There are many more highly suppressive steroids out there than this one, but since most users will also be combining EQ with other steroids with their own suppression effects, PCT becomes even more critical to avoid you falling into a state of low testosterone which brings about serious adverse effects ranging from the loss of gains and increase in fat, low energy and mood, loss of sex drive and a general decline in health.

EQ is long lasting so if you are using it right until the end of your cycle, PCT will need to begin about 2 weeks from the final injection. If you are only using EQ for the initial weeks of a cycle then continuing with other compounds, the timing of your PCT will wholly depend on those specific steroid properties with shorter acting or smaller ester steroids allowing you to start PCT much sooner.

When finishing a cycle with Equipoise, it is often ideal to begin using HCG a little earlier than the onset of PCT at approximately ten days after the last EQ injection. This is then followed up with your regular SERM plan including Clomid or Nolvadex.


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