Triacana (Tiratricol TA3): Ultimate Quide (2022)

Triacana (Tiratricol TA3), Triacana faq, buy triacana online usa, triacana bodybuilding

Triacana (Tiratricol TA3) what it is

Triacana (Tiratricol TA3) is a popular trade name for the generic drug tiratricol, also known as Triax, Nidolin and Teatrois. Tiratricol (Tiratricol TA3) is a metabolite of the thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3), which is the most potent form of thyroid hormone the body produces. Since tiratricol is produced in the course of the metabolism of T3, it’s a naturally occurring substance that even shows up in some foods in small amounts. That’s why some people labeled it a ‘thyroid pro-hormone’ and tried to market it a few years ago. They were initially able to do that because of the notion that as a naturally occurring substance, tiratricol fell under the aegis of the Dietary Health and Supplement Act of 1994, also known as the Hatch Act after the U.S. senator who sponsored it. That same law permits the sale of other natural hormone precursors, such as the various pro-hormone supplements.

But in 1999 the FDA prohibited the sale of over-the-counter versions of tiratricol after a number of reports involving adverse effects, particularly cardiovascular side effects. That was curious because tiratricol had long held a reputation as a mild thyroid drug that usually didn’t produce the side effects typical of other thyroid drugs, such as Cytomel, a direct T3 drug. In any case, tiratricol is no longer legally sold without a prescription, though it’s still offered for sale on the black market and the Internet.

In the 1970s a well-known pro bodybuilder based in Paris popularized use of Triacana among other pro bodybuilders. The primary claim for Triacana was that it would induce considerable bodyfat loss without the muscle loss that often occurred with such other thyroid drugs as Cytomel. Since then much folklore has surrounded Triacana, most of it just plain false.

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Triacana (Tiratricol TA3) how does it works

In order to provide you with a sound understanding of Triacana, I will first briefly explain the function of the two main hormones produced by the Thyroid gland. The two main hormones produced by the thyroid are L-triiodthyronine (T3), and L-thyroxine (T4). T4 is the hormone which the thyroid produces the lions share of, and is converted by a deiodinase enzyme into what is known as T3.

When a person is involved in a calorie-restricted diet, the body produces less deiodinase enzyme, and hence produces less T3. When our bodies lack the effects of T3 (the more potent of the two hormones) our BMR decreases. An abundance of T4 is still present, however, T4 simply isnt potent enough to maintain the high metabolic rate we seek while trying to burn fat. When our metabolism is slower, fewer calories are burned, and our dieting struggles to remain productive. This is all described as a “negative feedback loop,” and its part of the bodys way to maintain homeostasis. While your goals may include being ripped and huge, your body would prefer you to remain small and fat, in order to survive famines and starvation.

Now you can begin draw the connection between fat loss, and the use of Triacana (tiratricol).

Triacana (Tiratricol TA3) has held a solid reputation since the 1970s among athletes and bodybuilders for being a strong fat-burning drug. While it can aid lipolysis, the effects are extremely mild when compared to stronger thyroid hormones, namely T4 and T3. One exception would be Triacanas higher thermogenic potency in brown adipocytes. The misconception that many people possess regarding Tiratricol is that the effects are harmless. Simply put, this is untrue. Tiratricol can significantly suppress Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. Although the effects are mild when compared to those caused by T3, theyre still present. Thyroid recovery generally takes up to 6 weeks; however, extreme cases have shown to take up to 5months to fully recover from the TSH suppression. Thankfully, TSH recovery is very quick, and there has yet to be a documented case of the Thyroid being permanently shut down from the use of Tiratricol.

An example that Triacana suppresses natural thyroid hormones less than other thyroid drugs. That’s based on the fact that thyroid output is part of a feedback loop involving the thyroid gland and the brain. In the brain the pituitary gland produces thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which controls the production of thyroid hormone in the thyroid gland. But the body senses the presence of an outside source of thyroid, leading to a blunted release of TSH. The loss of TSH secretion effectively stops gland synthesis of thyroid hormones.

In fact, Triacana is more potent than even straight thyroid hormone drugs in suppressing TSH output. While advocates of Triacana recognized that, they theorized that even if it did suppress TSH, a rebound effect kicked in immediately after someone got off Triacana, leading to increased thyroid hormone synthesis. Even so, the notion of immediate rebound of thyroid activity was simplistic at best and has proved to be an outright error.

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Triacana Dosage

Common dosages of this product range from 10-14 tablets per day. Generally, two 0.35 mg tablets are taken on the first day of intake and with two tablets added each successive day until 10-14 tablets/day are taken. The half-life time of tiratricol is 5-7 hours, so Triacana should be taken 3-4 times daily. Doing so will allow a constant amount of the substance in the blood, so the effects are continual. There are also many athletes who prefer to combine Triacana with Clenbuterol, or another type of thermogenic. Popular choices include a stack of Ephedrine, Caffeine, and Aspirin/Yohimbine. Many feel that the addition of one of these choices substantially increases the effects of Triacana, and provide better fat loss results when combined. Additionally, by adding a stimulant, it is easier to sustain hunger pains which can occur with the use of Triacana. Something of additional note, is the common inclusion of Triacana while exogenous Growth Hormone is being administered. This is performed in order to meet the bodys increased requirement for thyroid hormone. Additionally, Triacana is superior to T3 the treatment of thyroid hormone resistance (9), and is often favoured for treating Hyperthyroidism.The usual suggested schedule for going on tiratricol, or Triacana, was to start with two pills (0.35 milligrams each) and work up gradually, adding about two pills each consecutive day to a maximum of 10 to 14 pills a day. Since Triacana was said to be comparatively weaker in stimulating metabolism than other thyroid drugs, larger doses were necessary. Indeed, since its effects lasted no more than six hours, multiple daily dosing was also necessary. The drug was never supposed to be used longer than two to three months.

Regarding duration of application, the range of opinions varies by a large amount. Athletes have taken Triacana from one week, ranging up to many months. The reason behind most people straying from long duration use, is the fear of their thyroid shutting down permanently. As mentioned above, the likelihood of this happening is slim to none, however, it is still a possibility many consider. In fact, Triacana is often considered more TSH suppressive than the more potent T4 . A suggested duration for moderate usage would be up to 12 weeks; however, there is little evidence that running longer cycles have any different effects versus shorter durations. Something to keep in mind, is that you shouldnt slowly decrease dosages in fear of a sudden rebound effect. By doing so, you only prolong the amount of time until your thyroid can recover. Stopping abruptly allows your thyroid to begin recovery right away.

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Triacana benefits & side effects

  • Triacana (Tiratricol TA3) help weight loss and fat loss: “Triacana raised serum concentrations of unesterified fatty acids within 6 hr in humans to increase the weight and fat loss.
  • Low doses of Triac can increase body temperature and raise metabolic rate in euthyroid (thyroid-healthy) individuals. “The effect of Triacana at low doses on LPL or leptin reinforces its role in activating energy metabolism. In addition, all these effects are exerted without inhibition of TSH or hypothyroxinemia, contrary to the high doses of Triacana. Thus, although the administration of high doses of Triacana should be avoided [due to suppression of TSH and thyroidal T4 secretion], this study shows the physiological relevance of low doses of TRIAC inducing thermogenic effects in adipose tissues, suggesting that an increase in Triacana production in adipose tissues may be one mechanism to increase energy metabolism and may be of benefit in the treatment of obesity.”
  • However, higher doses may be needed to obtain metabolic effects when treating hypothyroid subjects. Groeneweg et al 2017 reviewed earlier studies that found “In hypothyroid patients, TA3 stimulates basal metabolic rate (BMR) only at doses above ~4000 µg (mcg)/day (50–75 µg/kg/day)” and “TA3 dose required to increase BMR greatly exceeds that required for adequate TSH suppression.”
  • Effects on the heart: Triacana is very mild on the heart. It “is a less potent regulator of TH target genes in the heart than T3.”  In adult human subjects, no detrimental effects of TA3 have been observed on cardiac structure or function.”  This is likely because it mainly acts on THRB thyroid hormone receptors not THRA, which is highly expressed in heart.
  • Effects on lowering cholesterol: ” In hypothyroid subjects, TA3 also reduced serum total and LDL cholesterol as well as apoprotein B levels, generally within 2 weeks.”
  • Effects on SHBG and Ferritin: “When given at equivalent TSH-suppressive doses to euthyroid or hypothyroid patients, TA3 induced similar increases in serum sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and ferritin levels as LT4.”
  • Effects on skin: ” Topical application of TA3 increases dermal thickness and prevents glucocorticoid-induced skin atrophy in mice and humans, and stimulates procollagen synthesis and keratinocyte proliferation in human skin, but has no beneficial effects on plaque psoriasis.



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